Saturday, July 27, 2013


To grow old with a happy and prosperous is the hope of all people. This condition can only be achieved if the person feels healthy physically, mentally, and socially - to feel needed, loved, and feel a sense of self-esteem that can still participate in life even after retirement.
But in fact, many people who experience psychological problems when entering retirement. Stress, depression, unhappy, feeling lost self-esteem and honor are things - things that often complaints by the elderly in retirement - in medical terms it is referred to as post-power syndrome.
What is a Post-Power Syndrome?

Post-Power Syndrome is a condition that occurs due to the greatness of a person living in the shadows - the shadows of his past (could be a job, career, intelligence, leadership, or other things), and have not been able to accept the reality that there are currently causing symptoms - symptoms as the following:

Physical disorders: looks haggard, look older, pain - pain.
Emotional disorders: irritable, moody, tend to withdraw from society, do not like to argue with.
Behavioral disorders: reserved, or otherwise be happy to talk about the greatness of being in the past, people love to attack the opinion, not to be outdone, and showed anger both at home and in public places.
Who is prone Post-Power Syndrome?
Not all seniors will experience post-power syndrome when entering retirement. In general, the personality traits that are susceptible to post-power syndrome are those who love to be appreciated and respected by others, crazy positions, and served like other people - or so-called people who have a high need of power. But instead, people - people with the confidence that less powerful, so always need recognition from others, and feel safe through the office - when retirement was susceptible to post-power syndrome.


How can I prevent it?
There are some psychological advice to avoid post-power syndrome.

While performing a job or before serving, we need to realize that everything is a gift from God, including kekusaan and positions.
Power is not permanent so it should prepare a time when the power was off, personally ready to be personally more resilient in the face of this crisis.
Preferably while holding office, not only to consider how to maintain power, but to figure out how to do succession planning / regeneration. Awards will be given not because of power possessed, but because it has been doing a good regeneration.
Need always instilled that the purpose of power is not that we are valued by others, but that we can do more for the welfare of others.
Solutions in the Face of People
After all, prevention is better than cure. But when they are already suffering from post-power syndrome, it takes patience and excellent reception of the couple and family members who live at home.

The first thing to do is the understanding that people are not fully aware of the symptoms that he experienced. But with a frontal fight was not a wise way. Better ask a third party, someone who gets respect from the concerned to give advice or through activities - activities that can draw closer to God.
Secondly, you should learn to accept people for what it is. Do not respond with the same anger. It is recommended that patients have a variety of activities to channel negative emotions or dissatisfaction with life in a more constructive.
Support the immediate environment, in this family, and the emotional maturity of someone very influential in passing through this crisis. If people see that the people - the closest is able to understand and know about the state of his or her inability to make a living, he would be able to accept the situation and be able to think cool. It will bring back creativity and productivity, although not as good as before, so that eventually people can find new self-actualization and get through this crisis well.

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